Welcome to Naturopathy

Experience the power of naturopathy to assist in the remedy of almost any health problem you may have.

Naturopathy treats a wide range of ailments with the use of natural remedies. Your first Naturopathic consultation can take up one hour or more and will cover your personal lifestyle, specific symptoms, medical history and diet. An appropriate treatment is then designed to suit your needs and treat the cause of your problem – rather than mask it. The treatment may consist of herbal medicines, homoeopathic remedies dietary advice and supplements such as vitamins or minerals.

NST Bodywork
Other Solutions

How can naturopathy help you?

That all depends on you. Everyone is different and every life has been shaped differently from birth. Where you have lived and how you have lived your life play a big role in Véronique’s assessment of what is needed to put balance back in your life.

So much of it is common sense.

It takes a great listener to really help people. Someone who will actually devote serious time and thought to your personal health – before the subscribing a treatment – and without being interrupted by the room full of patients demanding time in the waiting room.

To get an idea of how everything starts with Véronique, click the button below to get started.

Many treatments are covered by your medical insurance.

Years ago, the health insurance industry regarded alternative medicine as quackery. Not so anymore. Slowly but surely, as the positive results have come in, health insurance providers are covering alternative therapies. Why is that? Because they work. And they often help get patients off expensive pharmaceuticals. Which ultimately leads to lower health costs – and natural solutions.

Check with your health insurance provider to see if you are covered before visiting with Véronique.

“I am passionate about improving wellbeing within the community, and have a wide range of experience and expertise in the application of alternative therapies and remedies.”


With Véronique Tabor, Naturopath, you have come to the right place.

Call today for your first appointment, I look forward to seeing you.